IRS Offers Tax Daily Tips for 2009
Here are some of the current entries:
Choosing a tax preparer
Where you can get free tax help
How e-file can make filing easier and getting you your refund faster
How to file for an extension or to amend your return
What tax records to keep
First-Time Homebuyer Credit
An additional tip will be added each business day until April 15, 2009
In addition to the text tips, some audio files will also be available.
Choosing a tax preparer is a particularly important topic. I recently assisted a client whose previous tax preparer included fraudulent deductions on the client’s returns (without his consent or knowledge), and made a mistake that cost the client almost $15,000. Luckily I discovered the mistake in time and we were able to get a refund.
Unfortunately, CPAs and tax attorneys can also make major mistakes on tax returns. If you are having gift, estate, or fiduciary income tax returns prepared, make sure that you use a preparer who is properly trained and experienced in preparing such returns. Given the potential penalties involved, it is not worth using the lowest cost provider.