Long-Term Care Planning for Your Senior Life

Elder Care

From guest author Raymond Lavine:
Many senior citizens freely admit that they fear growing older more than they fear death. The prospect of becoming increasingly frail and dependent in a society which worships strength and self-reliance, and of losing family and lifetime friends can understandably make the specter of old age a frightening one.
Does senior-care have to be a time of physical failing and emotional loss? Of course aging brings physical deterioration, and time brings the loss of loved ones, but senior-care can still bring growth and new awareness. Those who are emotionally, financially, and socially ready to take on the challenges of aging are the ones for whom senior care will actually bring happiness.
Baby-Boomers, and those who are following us, find that we and our families are in denial about the fact that we are growing older. This denial is counterproductive, and if you are in that situation, you have the right to confront your loved ones with the fact that you need to make plans for your later years.
There are many aspects of home care or senior living which will require input from your family; where you will live; who will manage you finances should you become unable to; and who will be responsible for seeing that you get proper medical care an transportation if you need it. If you are going to live with one of your children, clarify what you expect of the other children so that there is no resentment from the child with whom you live, who may feel overwhelmed.
The quality of your senior living will depend to a very great degree on the communicating you do with your family ahead of time. Making sure in advance that your housing, finances, medical, and social needs will be met will not only relieve you of a tremendous burden; it will bring you and your family closer together so that your years of senior care will be pleasant and enjoyable.
Senior planning also means working with your financial planners; wealth managers; attorneys; and accountants. Owning long-term care plans is helpful to provide money for long-term care needs but this and other insurance need to be coordinated with your over-all estate and financial planning.
You have goals during your working and family career and it is essential to plan your goals for your senior years. There are many talented and knowledgeable people who will assist you with planning so that fear and denial turn into positive and meaningful goals and objectives.
And let us not forget the elder advisors: attorneys; wealth managers; financial planners, accountants, mediation services, and fiduciary services; elder care workers; and transition specialists.
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