Estate Tax
Possible Tax Items to Expect With Trump Adminstration
Our Chapel Hill tax attorneys prepared a brief overview of the tax changes anticipated under the forthcoming Trump Administration. Significant tax changes…
3 Errors North Carolina Executors Might Encounter Without Legal Counsel
Executors have time-consuming and complex matters to address after the death of a loved one. These individuals are placed in positions with…
Last-Minute Year-End Tax Deduction: IRA Charitable Rollover
On December 18, 2015, a new law made the IRA Charitable Rollover provision permanent. Now individuals can transfer up to $100,000 from…
Tax Issues to Consider When Settling an Estate
During the first quarter of the year, the only tax items most taxpayers are concerned with are their own personal and business…
State Residency and Domicile in Estate Planning
You may claim domicile in one jurisdiction and live in another, which can be helpful in estate planning. Tax, probate, and asset…
Repeal of the Permanent Federal Estate Tax?
The federal estate tax was made permanent as part of the American Taxpayer Relief Act. (A few months after ATRA passed, Obama’s 2013…
National Estate Planning Awareness Week 2013
Estate Planning Awareness Week Just before the holiday season starts siphoning shoppers’ money out of their pockets and into local economies, estate…
Estate Tax Exclusion Amount for 2012 to Increase to $5,120,000
The IRS announced today that the amount exemption from estate taxes will increase next year. For an estate of any decedent dying…
IRS Procedure for Requesting Extension for Late 706
From the AICPA: Beginning in January 1, 2011, the Internal Revenue Code provides for portability of the estate tax exemption between spouses….
Estate and Gift Tax Bill Introduced in House
On November 17, 2011, Congressman Jim McDermott (D-WA), a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, introduced HR 3467, the…