4 Signs That Assets are at Risk to Lawsuits in NC
North Carolina is often referred to as a debtor-friendly state due to the many statutory creditor protections state law provides. However, even…
3 Tax Benefits the 50+ Crowd Enjoys
Although many tax regulations fluctuate based on the taxpayer’s adjusted gross income, some tax provisions are instead based on the taxpayer’s age….
Last-Minute Year-End Tax Deduction: IRA Charitable Rollover
On December 18, 2015, a new law made the IRA Charitable Rollover provision permanent. Now individuals can transfer up to $100,000 from…
Covering Retirement v. Leaving Inheritance
Expenses in senior years continue to be a concern for many Americans. As multiple studies show, most individuals do not maintain adequate…
Invest or Gift This Year’s Tax Refunds?
During tax season, filers try to maximize their deductions. Proper tax planning helps minimize tax due, and could result in a sizable…
How Asset Protection is Different in 2015
Wealth preservation is an ongoing process. How, when, and where assets are transferred or acquired affect protections. As the New Year begins,…
3 Signs You Should Update Your Retirement Plan
Reports continue to show Americans are not saving enough for retirement. Some retirement account owners may miss out on opportunities that could help grow…
Debt Inheritance: Credit Cards, Tax, and Other Liabilities
An individual may accumulate assets during his or her lifetime, but debt may reduce or eliminate an inheritance family members expected to…
IRA Rollover Annual Limit Changes Effective 2015
The recent Tax Court ruling of Bobrow v. Commissioner set a precedent for owners of multiple Individual Retirement Accounts: Multiple IRA rollovers may not…
Retirement Plans in Same-Sex Marriage
Some retirement benefits only apply to spouses in a legal marriage. Since legal marriages are not recognized in every jurisdiction and the Windsor ruling…